It feels great to finally put my business "out there" again (and as a hardened technologist of some 23 years experience I feel particularly ashamed not to have done it sooner!)

However, I could resist no longer.

Having helped another business to achieve rapid growth in sales revenues, and this time it was on eBay, I decided that it was time to put a blog together.

Over the coming weeks, months and years I hope to share with you the same technology, business and marketing principles that I have been using since 1992. Back then, long before the word "Internet" was common parlance, I delivered explosive growth for a small firm in the London suburbs. Wow - what an experience that was for a mid-20-something that had just left the corporate world to go it alone!

The business owner sold and installed security alarms and although he, sort of, understood the benefits of computers (remember - this was 1.5 DECADES ago!) he was fed-up with being confused by geek-speak.

Anyway, long-story short:

I sold him hardware, developed a tailor-made system for his business and put marketing processes in place for him. Effectively, through my understanding of technology and it's umbilical tie with processes, I helped him re-engineer his whole business. In less than six months he fired office staff, took on more engineers and TREBLED the number of installation orders. In well under 18 months, he received an offer from a MASSIVE competitor to buy him out. (Why he declined it I'll never know !!)

Now, fast-forward 15 years.

(Oh, before we roll history forward, it's worth saying that I had the compulsory "trial and error" experiences during this 15-year stretch, just to prove to me that not every business would re-engineer itself as well as my first experience!)

And when, this year, I doubled the sales revenues of eBay PowerSeller jay_anytime
TWICE in just 6 weeks (i.e. 400% increase), let's just say that I was excited at the prospect of helping others achieve rapid growth in their eBay sales too. The same blend of technology, marketing and business principles have clearly stood the test of time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the ride because when we get going, I'm aiming for it to be fast - real fast !!!
